谭向峰,博士,副研究员。2019年毕业于加拿大阿尔伯塔大学可再生资源系。2019年至2022年于浙江大学农业资源与环境专业从事博士后研究(特别资助)。2022年10月起担任浙江省农业科学院数字农业研究所副研究员。兼任Eco-Environment&Health期刊编委(预备)。主要从事数字植物工厂中植物-环境互作研究,聚焦工厂化生产草莓、叶菜、牧草等新型农业场景中的作物品质健康、环境因子调控、植物-微生物互作等研究方向。主持国家自然科学基金、浙江省农业科技项目课题等2项,参与国家自然科学基金重大项目、面上项目等2项。在学术期刊上发表论文30余篇,包括以第一或通讯作者在PlantBiotechnology Journal、BMC Plant Biology、Scienceof the Total Environment、EnvironmentalTechnology & Innovation等SCI主流期刊发表研究成果。
[1]Tan X, Xie H, Yu J, Wang Y, Xu J, Xu P, Ma B. 2022. Host genetic determinants drive compartment-specific assembly of tea plant microbiomes.Plant Biotechnology Journal20: 2174–2186.
[2]Sun S, Ma B, Wang G,Tan X*(通讯作者). 2023. Linking microbial biogeochemical cycling genes to the rhizosphere of pioneering plants in a glacier foreland.Science of the Total Environment872: 161944.
[3]Zhang S, Xu L, Kong D,Tan X*(通讯作者). 2023. Assessing the shaping factors for archaeal and bacterial communities in tidal wetland soils contaminated with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.Environmental Technology & Innovation31: 103191.
[4]Kong D, Ye Z, Dai M, Ma B,Tan X*(通讯作者). 2024. Light Intensity Modulates the Functional Composition of Leaf metabolite groups and phyllosphere prokaryotic community in garden lettuce (Lactuca sativaL.) plants at the vegetative stage.International Journal of Molecular Sciences25: 1451.
[5]Zhang S, Han X, Zhu Y,Tan X*(通讯作者). 2023. Coordination of root traits and rhizosphere microbial community in tea (Camellia sinensisL.) plants under drought and rehydration.Forests14: 2134.
[6]Tan X, Liu M, Du N, Zwiazek JJ. 2021. Ethylene enhances root water transport and aquaporin expression in trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides) exposed to root hypoxia.BMC Plant Biology21: 227.
[7]Tan X, Zwiazek JJ. 2019. Stable expression of aquaporins and hypoxia- responsive genes in adventitious roots are linked to maintaining hydraulic conductance in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) exposed to root hypoxia.PLoS ONE14: e0212059.
[8]Ye Z,Tan X, Dai M, Chen X, Zhong Y, Zhang Y, Ruan Y, Kong D. 2024. A hyperspectral deep learning attention model for predicting lettuce chlorophyll content.Plant Methods20: 22.
[9]Ye Z,Tan X, Dai M, Lin Y, Chen X, Nie P, Ruan Y, Kong D. 2023. Estimation of rice seedling growth traits with an end-to-end multi-objective deep learning framework.Frontiers in Plant Science14: 1165552.
[10]Dai M,Tan X, Ye Z, Li B, Zhang Y, Chen X, Kong D. 2023. Soil bacterial community composition and diversity respond to soil environment in rooftop agricultural system.Environmental Technology & Innovation30: 103042.
[11]Xu F,Tan X, Zhang W-Q, Zwiazek JJ. 2019. Effects of iron and root zone pH on growth and physiological responses of paper birch (Betula papyrifera), trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides) and red-osier dogwood (Cornus stolonifera) seedlings in a split-root hydroponic system.Acta Physiologiae Plantarum41: 142.
[12]Yuan J, Zhao K,Tan X, Xue R, Zeng Y, Ratti C, Trivedi P. 2023. Perspective on the development of synthetic microbial community (SynCom) biosensors.Trends in Biotechnology41: 1227–1236.
[13]Dai M, Su Z, Zhu X, Li L, Ye Z,Tan X, Kong D, Liu X, Lin F. 2024. Genome-wide identification and characterization of effector candidates with conserved motif inFalciphora oryzae.International Journal of Molecular Sciences25.
[14]Wang B, Xu J, Wang Y, Stirling E, Zhao K, Lu C,Tan X, Kong D, Yan Q, He Z, et al. 2023. Tackling soil arg-carrying pathogens with global-scale metagenomics.Advanced Science10: 2301980.