周昕彦,博士,副教授,2020年毕业于浙江大学市政工程专业,获工学博士学位。2018-2019年期间曾在荷兰代尔夫特理工大学交流访问,主要从事饮用水嗅味物质生成机制与控制、供水管网微生物稳定性和农业面源污染治理等方向的研究。承担本科生《环境生态修复(外语)》和研究生《高级环境微生物学》等课程。近年来主持或参与国家自然科学基金、浙江省自然科学基金等项目6项。近5年来以第一或通讯作者在《Water research》、《Journal of Hazardous Materials》、《Science of the Total Environment》、《Environmental Science and Pollution Research》等国内外知名刊物上发表学术论文10余篇。
1.Xinyan Zhou, Tiehan Cheng, Jiaming Yu, Mengting Sheng, Xuelian Ma, Yucheng Cao*. Responses of sediment nitrogen forms and bacterial communities to different aquatic nitrogen conditions in three submerged macrophyte-type ecological treatment systems, Environmental Research, 2023, 232:116322.
2.Yiran Tang; Zhixuan Wu; Yanfen Zhang; Chuanxuan Wang; Xuelian Ma; Kejia Zhang; Renjie Pan; Yucheng Cao;Xinyan Zhou*.Cultivation-dependent and cultivation-independent investigation ofO-methylated pollutant-producing bacteria in three drinking water treatment plants, Water Research, 2023, 231: 119618.
3.Xinyan Zhou*, Huabao Zheng, Jan Peter van der Hoek, Kefei Yu, Yucheng Cao. Recent applications of biological technologies for decontaminating hormones in livestock waste and wastewater. Current Opinion in Environmental Science & Health, 2021, 24:100307.
4.Xinyan Zhou, Kejia Zhang*, Cheng Cen, Jiajia Wu, Xiaogang Wu. Roles of metal ions in regulating the formation of a drinking water odorant (2,3,6-trichloroanisole) by Sphingomonas ursincola in drinking water. Science of The Total Environment, 2021, 776: 146054.
5.Xinyan Zhou, Kejia Zhang*, Tuqiao Zhang, Cheng Cen, Renjie Pan. Biotransformation of halophenols into earthy-musty haloanisoles: investigation of dominant bacterial contributors in drinking water distribution systems. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 403: 123693.
6.Kejia Zhang, Yulong San, Cong Cao, Tuqiao Zhang, Cheng Cen,Xinyan Zhou *. Optimising the measurement of peracetic acid to assess its degradation during drinking water disinfection. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2020, 27: 34135-34146.
7.Xinyan Zhou, Jawairia Imtiaz Ahmad, Jan Peter van der Hoek, Kejia Zhang*. Thermal energy recovery from chlorinated drinking water distribution systems:effect on chlorine and microbial water and biofilm characteristics. Environmental Research, 2020, 187, 109655.
8.Xinyan Zhou, Kejia Zhang*, Tuqiao Zhang, YulongYang, MiaomiaoYe, Renjie Pan. Formation of odorant haloanisoles and variation of microorganisms during microbial O-methylation in annular reactors equipped with different coupon materials. Science of The Total Environment, 2019, 679: 1-11.
9.王怡菁,郭质彬,周昕彦*.磁性生物炭的制备及吸附水中有机污染物的研究进展.现代化工, 2023, 43(08): 88-92+98.
10.陈宇捷,郑华宝,周昕彦*.改良高通量测序技术揭示除藻剂对藻类群落的影响.生物技术通报, 2022, 38(11): 1-10.
1.Renjie Pan, Kejia Zhang*, Cheng Cen,XinyanZhou, Jia Xu, Jiajia Wu, Xiaogang Wu. Characteristics of biostability of drinking water in aged pipes after water source switching: ATP evaluation, biofilms niches and microbial community transition. Environmental Pollution, 2021, 271: 116293.
2.Cheng Cen, Kejia Zhang*, Tuqiao Zhang,Xinyan Zhou, Renjie Pan. Algae-induced taste and odour problems at low temperatures and the cold stress response hypothesis.Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2020, 104: 9079-9093.
3.Kejia Zhang, Renjie Pan, Tuqiao Zhang, Jia Xu,Xinyan Zhou, Yulong Yang*. A novel method: using an adenosine triphosphate (ATP) luminescence-based assay to rapidly assess the biological stability of drinking water. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2019, 103(11): 4269-4277.
4.Kejia Zhang,Xinyan Zhou, Tuqiao Zhang, Lang Yu, Zheming Qian, Wenchao Liao, Cong Li*. Degradation of the earthy and musty odorant 2,4,6-tricholoroanisole by persulfate activated with iron of different valences. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2018, 25(4): 3435-3445.
5.Kejia Zhang, Cong Cao,Xinyan Zhou, Feifei Zheng, Youmin Sun, Zhengqing Cai, Jie Fu*. Pilot investigation on formation of 2,4,6-trichloroanisole via microbial O-methylation of 2,4,6-trichlorophenol in drinking water distribution system: An insight into microbial mechanism. Water Research, 2018, 131: 11-21.
6.王耀辉,曹玉成*,周昕彦.沉水植物的湿地水质净化效率及其微生物群落结构对水力负荷的响应, 2022, 53(06): 850-857.
7.程铁涵,周昕彦,曹玉成*,俞佳铭.氮形态对沉水植物氮磷去除效果及沉积微生物群落结构的影响, 2022, 53(04): 560-567.